Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Craving Crisis

My cravings are all over the board with number four. Last night, grocery shopping at 10:00pm after Bible study, I thought I was going to hit the floor from low blood sugar. The check out man must of thought I was being a bit melodramatic as I slapped a Three Musketeers bar on the conveyor belt before a full cart and practically shouted at him to "Leave it out!". As he checked out the groceries, I wolfed down the bar, while the people in the line behind me seemed to watch with odd amusement. What I really wanted was a fresh salad with all of the fixins', but convenience was necessity.

So home again, home again, to make a fresh salad with ranch dressing at 11:00pm. Followed by powdered doughnuts. OIY. That should be enough to make any body's stomach turn! Sugar. Salt. Sugar.

MY OB looked at my weight after 12 months of nursing to nothingness (a whopping 103 lbs.), and said I will probably need to be eating more meals than most women at this stage of pregnancy since I'm a little depleted. But it has been a bear to keep up with. The nausea makes it very unpredictable as I try and figure out what I really want. However, you know what tastes awesome right now? Chef Boyardee beefaroni. I could eat giant cans of that stuff! Pretty much anything with sauce slapped on a heap of noodles is heavenly. The frozen Stouffers meals are a lifesaver for lunch. I have a feeling my body is doing anything it can to locate protein, and thankfully, pasta is a decent source.

This child is going to come out looking like a little wet noodle.

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