Thursday, March 08, 2007

The Doll Collector

I have one room in the house called "The Yellow Room". It is the only room in the house that I request be left "toy free" and pass-able just in case someone stops by and we need a clutter free room to sit in. The children have been very good over the years about keeping Mommy's request. Hatch, however (our new dog rescued from death row last year) has other plans for the yellow room.

He doesn't sleep in the yellow room, and he doesn't eat in the yellow room. But for what ever reason, our kleptomaniac feels compelled to deposit all his daily room looting in my supposed to be clutter free room. A pile like this takes no more than two days. Today, he caught me taking pictures of his piles, and decided he needed to keep a closer watch over his pillaged goods. Thankfully, Mr. Hatch sticks to random stuffed animals, dolls, and small toys. I'd be a little less forgiving if he hauled out our dirty laundry every 3 hours.

How can you say "no looting" to this handsome fuzz ball?

1 comment:

Nana said...

Here's a thought! Put a basket in the "no clutter yellow room" and teach Hatch to put his doll collection in it. After a while he might actually start bringing the stuff and dropping it in the basket. At least if you are missing something you might check his "stash" first.