Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Piles & Piles Of Terracotta Tiles

I know I have promised to blog about things like what happened to my children AFTER they smeared concrete on the door, and about the final outcome of our mouse chase, or about my oh so wonderful sister-in-law...but I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. Yesterday, I received almost 100lbs of broken or rejected handpainted terracotta tile from Tierra Y Fuego.

The tiles are gorgeous!! The intention is to use the tiles to build a mosaic on our "oh so shot" family table top of seven years. As an artist at heart, I can't wait to do art where the pieces are already broken, and I don't need to fall victim to my perfection complex. I love a project where I can just enjoy the colors. As a mother, the thought of our entire family working on a table top together, creating our own unique design, warms my heart.

The children are just as fascinated with the tiles. Jack started hoarding his favorite whole tiles almost immediately and Grace enjoyed putting them in piles while we celebrated each new design that emerged from the three boxes.

In an effort to make clean up easier, we will be replacing our fabric covered chairs with something a little more spill forgiving...small 18 inch stools that we'll paint black. If anyone is interested in a similar project, I recommmend visiting this post I found during my planning stage which covers the what-to-dos and what-not-to-dos when creating a homemade table and mosaic top.

Is this not just so dreamy???

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