Monday, October 16, 2006

God's Glory

This morning, I spent just a few minutes in prayer to the Lord. Praying the same prayer as many mothers each morning: beseeching the Lord for strength, for a second wind at 5:00pm, for my baby girl to take a nap...but if she didn't, then praying for unsurpassing patience.

I spent another minute, sharing with the Lord how much He moves me. How I can cry at the drop of a hat when I'm worshiping Him. How much I adore His majesty on this earth.

And then I spent a mere 30 seconds in prayer, asking that our family would reflect His glory today.

As I sat at my chair in our breakfast nook, I raised my eyes and turned my gaze toward the window, admiring the pink sunrise, and wondering why there was an odd vertical glow slowly appearing between the trees. I began to realize I was witnessing the birth of a rainbow despite the crisp morning sky. A rainbow...

I called the children in and we gathered outside in our jammies to watch in awe as God performed a play on my own prayerful words... sharing a beautiful reflection of His glory with us for a few minutes.

The Lord never ceases to surprise me with His sweetness.

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