Thursday, August 24, 2006

A Road Trip Around Australia

Last term it was my goal to have the children become very familiar with the continents. I considered moving on to learning the states, but reconsidered, and thought we'd spend a few weeks delving deeper into each continent's landmarks, cultures, fauna and flora. This month we have focused on Australia.

The library has a plethora of lackluster books on the continent - nothing remotely with a Charlotte Mason living book feel. I selected a few of the sterile books, but also took the time to check out "Are We There Yet?" by Alison Lester. The other books were quickly tossed aside once we started reading this book. The book details a road trip around the perimeter of Australia from the view point of Grace, the youngest in the family. The illustrations are colorful, and bits of humor are thrown in as you explore notable landmarks throughout Australia. Even my four year old fidget-boy stayed engaged.

Naturally, tonight I was back online to see if Ms. Lester could save the day again as we move on to the next continent. The plan was to head to Asia, but it looks like we'll be taking a detour and heading to Europe since she has also written a similar children's book about Spain.

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