Thursday, August 17, 2006

Food Pyramid Fun

Beginning this term, I made the decision to incorporate Health related unit studies into our weekly schedule. We need it. The habits of hygiene are constantly being worked and reworked into our days. I'm sure that is not unusual for a household with a six and four year old. Truth be known, we have room for improvement since I would be elated if the children brushed their teeth, changed their underwear and brushed their hair all on the same day.

Ironically, I didn't start in the much needed area of hygiene, but instead was inspired to tackle the Food Pyramid. This has actually been a wild success and is one of Jack's favorite subjects. Every week we have been focusing on a different food group, sorting our play food out into food groups and reading a food group related book. The books put out by Pebble Plus have been terrific, and prompted me to investigate the USDA's web site dovoted solely to the Food Pyramid -

After a few weeks of getting our feet wet, today, the children got to head over to the My Pyramid web site loaded with information and print outs. On the site is a challenging game called MyPyramid Blast Off. This game is superbly done, requiring the child to make wise food choices, and add activities to their day in order to properly fuel their spaceship for Planet Power. Even if you are not doing a unit study on food groups, this game is a wonderful addition to the school day.

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