Thursday, August 03, 2006

Montessori Tray: Vertebrates & Invertebrates

It has been quite awhile since I listed any Montessori-ish activities, but this one counts. The children spent part of the morning today learning about the difference between Vertebrates and Invertebrates. Once they had a general idea, we used this sorting tray to sort out each animal properly. Easy enough, and lots of hands on fun for the children.

Ehem...I myself need to go back to Biology 101 and learn how to spell. It wasn't until after I printed and laminated the cards last week, perfomed the lesson today and THEN took the photo this afternoon that I realized my errors. My head is hanging in shame, but the stubborn streak in me refuses to reprint and laminate again.

1 comment:

K. Reyes said...

You really should write a book...(I am serious!!!) you have such ingeniously SIMPLE activities for little brains. Wow, I love this one! I am actually going to use it for an entomology class I will be teaching our homeschool group kids. Thanks for the blog notes on your school activities, us moms new to this thrive on every helpful hint we can get!