I've caught myself on more than a few occasions wrestling with the idea of giving her the treasured first bath. Normally by this time, the bath has long since had its moment of glory. However, with Hope, I'm dwaddling. I don't want to clean her up! Bathing her would mean admitting that she's been around long enough to get dirty; conceding that time is already closing in.
With this little one, time could stand still forever and I'd be tickled. Because folks, we have our very much hoped for sweet potato! I'm beside myself in appreciation and adoration over the little package that God delivered to us. It is very possible that Hope qualifies as the easiest baby I have ever had. Her quietness in the womb had me thinking she was going to be a laid back baby, but really her perfect place in this family is stunning.
If I could have handpicked a few qualities for Number Four they would have been: a sound sleeper, a happy traveler, and smooth on the transitions. Without naming names, Number Three made sure I had paid my full dues and then some in those areas. She earned the name Princess of Wails. Revisiting that heavy of a routine again, would have been a challenge. But the Lord handpicked Hope. And lo' and behold guess what He gave me....a sound sleeper, a happy traveler and a daughter who is very smooth on the transitions. Praise God!
Guess where I was last night at 1:00 am? Sleeping. At 2 am...sleeping. At 3 am...still snoozing. 4 am and 5 am came and went with no interruptions. Finally at 6am...a peep, followed by a nursing. Only for us both to go on sawing logs until 8:30am. I rest my case. She's perfect.
Awww...she's grown so much even since I've seen her. What an absolute sweetheart! I'm so excited for you that you got your sweet potato--a mother can ask for nothing more than to have #4 be easy!
I have only been gone a few days and already she is starting to look like a cute little plump pumpkin. What is in that milk or is it buttermilk!? I sure miss those cute sweet baby cheeks.
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