Wednesday, October 03, 2007

More Secure Than The Oval Office

OK. I admit, that those are my words not the words of my OB. But I'm quite sure that the White House has got nothing on security compared to MY oval office. The doc says I'm one centimeter and long. Sounds like football talk, doesn't it? But really, can you hear the sound of the Red Sea parting? No? Me neither.

The man of very few words tried to be encouraging and stated that this is when things can start to happen quickly. I tried to be sweet, and not remind him of my anything BUT sudden history listed on the chart before his nose. I continue to run my 4:00am insomnia streak, and as of yesterday, a horrid case of back pain and green snot. I'm feeling pretty disgusting right now, on top of being ill, but I remind myself about every five minutes that this is temporary.

The good news is...and there is good news I promise, that yesterday was "The Day". You know when you keep telling yourself if you can just get past such and such day it will ALL get easier. Well, yesterday was it for me. I have finished my three week run at leading our Bible Study, which takes up every spare minute of my time, and requires creating vacation days for the children's school just to prepare. But I'm done for the season. And I finally feel like I can breathe again today. And feed my family. And clean a toilet or two. So despite all of my complaints, I am beginning to feel more positive. (I know. I've got a long way to go still.)

Since I am still in sick bay around here, I'm going to usher you out of the sick and contracting room and encourage you all to visit Katy over at Treasured Chapters of Life and Family. She has a wonderfully creative post that I think just about every multi-tasking mother can identify with and should read...entitled "An Overworked Mind". Katy is one of those delightfully special friends that everyone feels like they completely don't deserve, and wouldn't trade for nothin'. If you've got a friend that's just naturally good at friendship, then you know Katy. Love ya girl.


Anonymous said...

You're too sweet...and kind! :-) And your description of your womb is too funny, though I'm sure not to you. Ahhh, Hope Olivia, please show your sweet, adorable face!! I'm so sorry you're feeling yucky. Feel better and, if you need ANYTHING!

Anonymous said...

Forgive my above comment to Hope Olivia--I hadn't yet read your last comment on the name. So, let me rephrase: Dear Hope Evangeline--Seriously, sweet little baby, Mommy is tired of carting you around on her aching pelvis bones. Please come out. We all want to meet you, and we look forward to a little cuddle time!

Mama Knucker Hatch said...

Actually, you had me laughing out loud on the first comment because I thought you were just trying to be persistent with "Hope Olivia" after my final comments. And yes, I keep saying to Hope, that today is a GREAT day to be born. She keeps saying to me, "Yeah Mom, but it is an even better day to sleep in."

Family W said...

I like that blog, thanks so much for sharing! :)