Saturday, September 16, 2006


One week. It happened in one week. On Wednesday, Faith became an accomplished sitter. Thursday, she grabbed my shirt and pulled herself up to a stand. She practices incessantly, leaning on her boppy with her booty up in the air, and her legs poker straight.

Today, practice proved perfect and she graduated from the boppy to a stool. Look at the joy in my baby girl's face! My child has been trapped in her own skin for almost eight months...unable to motor unless someone picked her up or wrapped her for rides around the house. We have endured her pain as a family. But now, she is the happiest little tyke in town.

Now that she is mobile, we are witnessing that she is as fearless as she is mobile. She's a warrior queen who chases down loud vacuum cleaners without flinching and beats them mercilessly with her fist. My own little Roomba is no more. Today, she's just raised the stakes. My Roomba has morphed into a Dyson.

1 comment:

Mama Knucker Hatch said...

Kristi said...

She is a sweetheart! Isn't it amazing how quickly they change? I have enjoyed reading your blogs and have gotten some great homeschooling ideas from you! Thank you! I homeschool my children (I have four ages 9 1/2-10 mos.).


(This comment moved by MKH when the In This Corner blog was merged)